14 Best Social Media Campaigns To Inspire You In 2025

Trending 1 week ago

We’ve rounded up 14 of nan champion societal media campaigns from caller years, truthful you tin get inspiration for your brand’s adjacent campaign.

GoPro // GoPro Awards

GoPro Awards is simply a trading tally that encourages users to taxable their GoPro photos and videos for a chance to triumph prizes and get featured connected nan brand’s societal media accounts.

This is simply a awesome societal tally because:

  • GoPro tin consistently position high-quality, engaging contented astatine a comparatively debased cost
  • Featured entrants are apt to banal GoPro’s posts, expanding their reach
  • Users whitethorn beryllium overmuch apt to spot and prosecute pinch user-generated content
A climber takes a selfie connected a mini cliff ledge astatine sunrise which is featured for nan societal media tally connected Instagram.

Key takeaway: User-generated contented tin beryllium a cost-effective measurement to upgrade your societal media presence

Airbnb // Airbnb Icons

Airbnb Icons is simply a merchandise people that allows guests to enactment successful iconic locations and pop-culture inspired settings (such arsenic a Polly Pocket house)—but it’s chiefly designed arsenic a trading tool.

Here’s why Airbnb Icons generates a buzz connected societal media:

  • Visually striking, themed locations drawback users’ attraction and thrust affirmative engagements
  • Celebrity and marque collaborations necktie instrumentality attraction and media coverage
  • Partner brands and celebrities beforehand nan tally to their audiences
  • Airbnb tin piggyback connected conversations astir sensation events (e.g., movie releases)
Airbnb features nan Beetlejuice location successful a TikTok arsenic information of nan societal media campaign.

Key takeaway: Strategic partnerships tin boost your societal media reach

Spotify // Spotify Wrapped

Spotify Wrapped is an yearly trading tally that provides Spotify users pinch stats astir their listening habits—such arsenic their astir listened-to songs, artists, and podcasts.

This accusation is highly shareable because it allows users to definitive their personalities and comparison their listening habits against their peers’.

To further beforehand societal sharing, Spotify:

  • Presents accusation successful a societal communicative format, giving nan tally a societal feel
  • Provides users pinch shareable graphics successful a assortment of designs
  • Promotes nan #SpotifyWrapped hashtag, allowing users to subordinate a wider conversation
  • Teases nan upcoming tally connected its ain societal platforms
  • Shares world listening accusation that sparks conversations
Spotify Wrapped summary images successful various colors.

Image Source: Spotify

Key takeaway: User-generated accusation tin thief you create personalized, shareable content

Dove // #TheFaceof10

Dove’s #TheFaceof10 tally addressed nan concerning inclination of young girls emotion pressured to usage anti-aging skincare products.

The beauty marque collaborated pinch applicable and celebrated influencers for illustration Drew Barrymore to beforehand nan tally done TikTok and different platforms.

The societal media tally resonated pinch users because it:

  • Tapped into issues that societal media users cognize and attraction about
  • Aligned pinch Dove’s values astir girls’ self-esteem 
  • Used striking visuals to accent its message
A hunt for nan hashtag nan look of 10 shows TikTok's of women pinch look overgarment and stickers.

Key takeaway: Promoting your marque values—rather than products—can beryllium an effective measurement to prosecute societal media users

Barbie // Barbie Selfie Generator

The Barbie Selfie Generator, launched arsenic information of nan Barbie movie trading campaign, is an AI-powered instrumentality that allows users to create personalized Barbie posters.

In nan months starring up to nan movie’s release, nan instrumentality was utilized overmuch than 13 cardinal times and fans flooded societal media pinch their creations.

Here are immoderate factors that played into nan campaign’s success:

  • The instrumentality is easy to usage and leverages societal users’ familiarity pinch image filters
  • The posters are visually striking and guidelines retired connected societal media feeds 
  • The tally tapped into nan excitement astir nan upcoming movie
  • Celebrity accusation boosted nan campaign’s scope and appeal
A personage posts images pinch nan Barbie societal media tally prime to Instagram.

Key takeaway: The powerfulness of AI tin thief you bring analyzable and imaginative ideas to life

Severance // Grand Central Pop-Up

The formed of nan TV show Severance did a astonishment unrecorded capacity astatine New York’s Grand Central Station, and nan stunt created a immense societal buzz.

The stunt went viral because:

  • Celebrities (e.g., Ben Stiller) and brands amplified nan stunt by sharing it online
  • Many group who witnessed nan stunt successful existent life posted astir their experiences
  • Media sum expanded nan stunt’s visibility crossed galore channels—not conscionable societal platforms
  • Severance fans worldwide reacted to nan stunt connected societal media
An X position shares an photograph of nan pop-up stunt pinch nan show's hashtag arsenic information of nan caller season's societal media campaign.

Key takeaway: Real-life trading stunts tin create a immense buzz connected societal media

Semrush // Chris

Semrush created a characteristic named Chris to characteristic successful a bid of playful and relatable videos for integer marketers. And our top-performing video has complete 150K likes connected TikTok.

This has been a successful societal media tally because:

  • Digital marketers are looking for relatable, nosy contented erstwhile browsing videos connected platforms for illustration TikTok
  • Many videos pat into societal trends astatine nan tallness of their popularity
  • The recurring characteristic fosters familiarity and nickname among users
Chris holds 5 phones to do his societal media activity successful this integer trading campaign.

Key takeaway: Focus connected relating to your assemblage alternatively than trading to your audience 

SheerLuxe // #OfficeVlog

SheerLuxe's #OfficeVlog tally is simply a TikTok video bid offering a behind-the-scenes look astatine life successful nan SheerLuxe office. And nan videos consistently get tens of thousands of views.

We deliberation this is 1 of nan apical societal media campaigns because it:

  • Offers relatable contented that resonates pinch galore viewers
  • Introduces nan squad and their regular work, making nan marque overmuch approachable
  • Fosters value connections by showcasing nan group down nan brand
This TikTok interviews labour arsenic they recreation into nan agency and asks what they did this past weekend.

Key takeaway: Employee-generated contented tin make your marque overmuch relatable and trustworthy

Duolingo // TikTok Ban

When nan impending TikTok prohibition successful nan U.S. prompted a surge successful users downloading nan Chinese app called RedNote, Duolingo seized nan opportunity to beforehand its Mandarin learning courses.

As information of this playful campaign, Duolingo:

  • Shared accusation to beryllium that an liking successful learning Mandarin had surged up of nan U.S. TikTok ban
  • Used its signature consciousness of joke to flick nosy astatine nan phenomenon
  • Cross-posted successful contented crossed aggregate platforms (e.g., from X to Instagram)
Duolingo's position connected X says "oh truthful now you're learning mandarin" successful their timely campaign.

Key takeaway: Cultural moments tin proviso a awesome opportunity for your marque to summation attention—so agelong arsenic they’re applicable to you

Asos // Versus

In Asos’s “Versus” videos connected TikTok, 2 influencers compete to style a exemplary utilizing a cardinal clothing item, pinch nan exemplary yet deciding which outfit is best.

Here’s why we deliberation this is simply a awesome illustration of a societal media campaign:

  • The business constituent encourages users to banal their opinions and ideas successful nan comments
  • The videos proviso inspiration and intermezo to Asos’s assemblage of mode lovers
  • A dedicated playlist allows viewers to easy investigation different “Versus” episodes
  • Influencer hosting makes nan contented overmuch relatable and trustworthy
  • The videos coming Asos’s products successful a imaginative and relatable way
A exemplary wears nan winning outfit successful an conception of Asos's societal media series.

Key takeaway: Differing viewpoints get group talking

Starbucks // Pumpkin-Spiced Latte

Starbucks launches a societal media tally each autumn to beforehand its pumpkin herb latte (PSL)—one of its astir celebrated seasonal drinks.

This tally is simply a recurring occurrence because Starbucks:

  • Builds statement done shared excitement and nostalgia
  • Taps into seasonal trends and aesthetics that resonate wide connected societal platforms
  • Uses consistent, recognizable branding to build beardown affectional associations
  • Establishes a consciousness of urgency to spark contiguous engagement and discussion
An Instagram reel says, "happy 21st birthday, pumpkin herb latte" pinch a manus carved, PSL pumpkin.

Key takeaway: Recurring campaigns tin thief you build a loyal statement astir your brand

Notion // Notion Faces

Notion Faces allows users to build civilization level scheme pictures from hand-drawn components, past usage these level scheme pictures connected societal media.

This is 1 of nan coolest societal media campaigns to ever deed LinkedIn, because Snoop Dogg posted astir nan tool. And temporarily updated his level scheme picture.

Notion Faces was too successful because:

  • Many different influencers and Notion labour posted astir nan characteristic and updated their level scheme pictures
  • People were funny to cognize what their vanished image would look like
  • The instrumentality is easy and nosy to use
  • Many LinkedIn users are wary of utilizing a level scheme photo, and Notion Faces offers a bully alternative
Snoop Dogg reveals his Notion Face successful a LinkedIn post, shouting retired nan brand's campaign.

Key takeaway: Empower users to create something, and they’re overmuch apt to usage aliases banal it

Domino’s // Mac

Domino’s created a mascot named Mac to beforehand its caller mac and nutrient merchandise successful a bid of playful videos, and nan top-performing video has complete 820K views connected TikTok.

This is 1 of our favourite societal tally examples because it:

  • Uses joke to make product-focused contented overmuch compelling
  • Features an attention-grabbing and memorable character
  • Taps into video trends connected celebrated platforms
A smiley, cheesy noodle mascot carries a briefcase into an mobility and reply successful this societal media tally video series.

Key takeaway: Humor tin make your societal media campaigns overmuch engaging and shareable

Ryanair has a estimation for leaving funny, sarcastic comments connected people’s TikTok posts—especially erstwhile they mention to nan marque directly.

This societal media tally useful bully because it:

  • Is inexpensive and highly scalable 
  • Allows Ryanair to piggyback connected nan occurrence of different people’s videos
  • Complements Ryanair’s estimation for affordability and no-frills service
  • Enables Ryanair to displacement nan communicative erstwhile group make antagonistic comments
Ryanair's responses to personification comments are highlighted successful a contented creator's roundup video.

Key takeaway: Don’t conscionable position connected your ain page—get progressive pinch your community

You tin streamline and supercharge your societal media campaigns pinch nan Semrush Social toolkit.

Schedule your posts to look successful nan correct places astatine nan correct times.

Semrush Social Poster has abstraction to draught posts crossed platforms, adhd images, gifs, tags, and more.

And show nan capacity of your and your competitors’ societal campaigns crossed aggregate platforms.

Semrush Social Tracker provides an overview of competitor metrics.

With nan Social Content AI add-on, you tin make text, hashtags, and visuals from scratch. And stitchery ideas for your adjacent campaign. 

Semrush Social Content AI Assistant allows you to create matter and visuals for your societal media campaigns.
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