Audi’s Lifted Q6 E-tron Off-road Concept Is Ready For Winter Driving

Trending 3 weeks ago

Audi has revealed a caller dual-motor electrical off-road conveyance conception based connected nan Q6 E-tron that looks caller for a snowpocalypse. The automaker built a moving prototype that lifts nan conveyance by 6.3 inches and widens it by 9.8 inches, giving it a stance that wouldn’t beryllium retired of spot if it appeared successful Truck Country, USA.

Audi’s CEO Gernot Döllner calls nan “Q6 E-Tron Off-road concept” a “reinterpretation of Quattro,” which is nan company’s trading connection for its all-wheel-drive models.

The different thrust tallness is courtesy of 4 bespoke portal axles integrated into nan instrumentality hub assemblies astatine nan beforehand and rear that Audi says summation torque astatine nan instrumentality by 50 percent. Each axle is powered by an electrical centrifugal pinch a mixed powerfulness output of 380kW and up to 9,883 lb ft of torque astatine its peak. That’s up 3,245 lb ft of torque from nan normal Q6 E-tron, which is Audi’s first conveyance built connected Volkswagen’s modular Premium Platform Electric (PPE) level (also utilized successful nan caller A6 E-tron and Porsche Macan EV).

The conveyance is designed to climb hills arsenic steep arsenic 45 degrees but nan institution did nerf nan Q6’s apical velocity a spot down to 108 mph. Still, nary 1 should thrust that accelerated anyhow successful a conveyance lifted this high. This too makes nan Off-road conception a overmuch overmuch realistic 1 compared to overmuch sci-fi Audi concepts for illustration nan Activesphere coupe / pickup motortruck combo pinch a mixed reality cockpit aliases nan genuinely apocalyptic all-terrain “AI:Trail” that has drones for headlights.

Audi’s Q6 E-tron Offroad conception will beryllium featured astatine nan FAT International Ice Race successful Austria connected February 1st. The institution will too show it successful action via its societal media channels.

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