How To Build A Landing Page In 6 Easy Steps

Trending 2 days ago

Your advertisement tally has done its business and a lead has clicked connected your attention-grabbing telephone to action. Your early customer is whisked complete to your website – and they find themselves connected a landing page. 

Landing pages – your bottommost of nan chimney preamble constituent – are too known arsenic “lead capture” pages because they’re important conversion points. You tin deliberation of them for illustration nan infinitesimal you’re astatine nan cheque out, and deciding if you really want to bargain nan items successful your basket.

Creating a high-converting landing page is easier than you think. With nan correct tools, creation principles, and champion practices, you tin boost ROI, accusation collection, and personification engagement. Here’s your landing page step-by-step guide. 

1. Define your Landing Page Strategy

First, spot nan intent and extremity of your landing page:

  • Are you trying to get group to bargain a product? 
  • To mobility up to a service? 
  • To cod feedback? 

The clearer your nonsubjective is, nan overmuch focused your landing page will be. This intent will specify your call-to-action (CTA) and (hopefully) lead to overmuch conversions. For example, if you want to beforehand users to download an ebook, your CTA could beryllium ‘Download now’.

You too petition to pinpoint your target audience:

  • Who do you want to get astatine your landing page? 
  • What motivates them? 

By building your page pinch your assemblage successful mind, you’ll spot accusation and a building that really resonates pinch them. Perhaps you’re addressing engaged professionals who for illustration concise transcript and mobile-friendly design.

Then, zoom retired to your broader trading funnel. Will your landing page beryllium information of an email campaign, societal advertisement aliases integrated hunt traffic? 

Walk done nan personification recreation to double cheque that nan landing page makes consciousness and that you tin make nan transcript and creation accordant pinch nan preceding steps. This consciousness will mean that users tin navigate your landing page easy and will beryllium overmuch apt to spot your marque and convert.

This first measurement lays nan instauration for your landing page. The stronger your base, nan overmuch easy you tin move results connected it.

2. Craft Copy and Design Content

The transcript and creation of your landing page play a ample domiciled successful guiding users to your desired action (the CTA). The 2 elements should complement each different and align pinch your branding.

To begin, represent transcript (the matter that appears connected nan page) utilizing clear, elemental language. Avoid agelong sentences and overmuch than 3 lines of matter per paragraph. 

Use headers, subheaders, and assemblage matter to building nan copy, and point matter that emphasizes your worthy proposition. For example, “Save 50% connected your first order” aliases “Ends Soon: 3 months of Premium for $0” could beryllium a header pinch a clear promise. 


Speak to users consecutive successful your copy, utilizing "you" to reside assemblage problems and accent really your product/service is simply a solution. Bullet points, lists, and quotes are too bully to abstraction retired transcript and guarantee a logical reference order.

Pay adjacent attraction to your CTA. It should beryllium circumstantial and usage progressive verbs for illustration ‘buy’, ‘book’, ‘download’. Make judge it stands retired from nan remainder of your transcript – arsenic a fastener aliases successful a different color/format – and repetition it wherever owed crossed nan page.

Once you personification your transcript ready, premier what photos, videos aliases infographics you want connected nan page. All ocular components should beryllium precocious worth and explicate aliases elaborate connected your copy. 

The leader image is peculiarly important. This is nan image supra nan page fold (where you personification to commencement scrolling down to position more) and should beryllium cautiously selected to correspond your marque and drawback people’s attraction quickly.

Social impervious for illustration testimonials and spot badges tin thief build credibility for your landing page too.

Be conscious not to overload your landing page pinch transcript and creation content. The thought is to personification an aesthetically-pleasing and easy-to-use page, and often small is more.

3. Choose Your Landing Page Platform

Now it’s clip to deliberation astir nan instrumentality you usage to group your landing page. Different landing page builders tin support different goals. 

For example, Landing Page Builder from Semrush is simply a wide level to create and motorboat your landing pages. 


You don’t petition to codification to usage nan tool, which has pre-made templates, complete pinch landing page creation tips, for each benignant of business and website. 

Within these templates, you tin quickly and easy guidance and driblet features for your landing page, enabling you to make overmuch value-driven landing pages astatine scale, and overmuch efficiently.

You whitethorn personification to group your transcript and images to caller a template you’re moving with, truthful beryllium judge to look for point pinch elasticity to caller your strategy.

Landing Page Builder too includes:

  • Mobile position to spot you landing page layout connected mini devices
  • ‘Thank You’ page builder 
  • Free assets including icons, images, and predefined elements
  • Funnel and style creator to amended lead generation
  • Changelog (to reconstruct erstwhile activity erstwhile needed)
  • “Smart Sections” to thief you update hundreds of pages successful 1 click
  • Ability to adhd domains and group pages pinch enforced SSL, and usage WordPress plugin aliases download a PHP grounds to support nan page connected your servers

Other platforms for illustration Unbounce and Instapage are awesome for marketing-focused pages, while WordPress and Squarespace activity bully for broader website integration.

You’ll too petition to facet successful your tech capabilities: do you cognize really to codification and want to showcase your tech expertise? Or do you petition an easy-to-use instrumentality that saves clip and prioritizes scale? 

Either way, your level should personification customization features wherever you tin tailor nan page to your marque standards, and create a genuinely unsocial landing page.

4. Review Clarity and Responsiveness

Everyone successful your assemblage (and group extracurricular of it) petition to beryllium tin to usage your landing page pinch ease. Before hitting ‘publish’, double cheque nan following:

  1. The relationship is concise and oriented astir 1 goal. The chronology of nan matter makes sense, and location are chopped CTAs passim nan page.
  2. The landing page adapts to different aboveground sizes and resolutions. Buttons, images, and forms each resize dynamically erstwhile your page is viewed connected desktop aliases mobile (Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tin thief pinch this).
  3. There are nary room links aliases multimedia connected your landing page. Data seizure and costs style preamble fields each activity and successfully process data.

It’s basal that you cheque accessibility coming too. Your landing page should personification precocious colour contrasts combinations for nan matter and inheritance to guarantee everyone tin publication it. 

You petition descriptive alt matter for your images and interactive elements, and keyboard navigation should beryllium active. 

Refer to nan Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for different ways to make your landing page inclusive, and tally your page done an accessibility checker to accommodate your users’ divers needs.

There are truthful galore devices to create a landing page, but your landing page has to beryllium plugged into nan ones that measurement and relationship insights astir your goal. 

This web ensures that you personification afloat oversight complete your landing page’s performance, and that important accusation is correctly stored and you tin make informed decisions based connected it. 

You should spot connecting your landing page to:

  • CRM systems
  • Analytics devices for illustration Google Analytics and Hotjar
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Marketing devices for illustration Mailchimp and HubSpot
  • Sales devices for illustration Salesforce
  • Data seizure devices for illustration Typeform
  • Ecommerce devices for illustration Shopify
  • Ads devices for illustration Google Ads
  • SEO devices for illustration Semrush

With these connected tools, you tin show metrics for illustration bounce rates, clip spent connected page, conversion rates, lead seizure rate, sign-ups, societal shares, and more. This accusation tells you if your landing page is achieving its objective.

Using a wide nett of devices too enables you to transportation retired A/B testing better. You tin create aggregate variants of your landing page to show to different segments of your audience, aliases simply to proceedings if definite copy/design/UX converts more.

With Landing Page Builder, you tin personalize A/B landing page variants, and past proceedings these to return nan champion relationship strategy for your campaign. 

After you’ve built and published a landing page pinch nan app, usage nan ‘Optimization’ instrumentality to transcript nan page arsenic a caller variant, and specify what percent of postulation you want to spot this variant. 


After, you tin edit nan caller type page and group it live, past position analytics for immoderate pages successful nan dashboard.

6. Launch, Observe, and Optimize

At this point, you’ve sewage everything successful place. After a proceedings tally of nan page, group your landing page live.

From clip one, you petition to support atop of metrics. If you’re utilizing a number of devices to cod different data, effort to personification a spot wherever each nan accusation is collectively stored – this way, you tin spot trends overmuch easy and return action.

You’ll too petition to watch your A/B testing and fto nan accusation show you what components resonate champion pinch your audiences. Equally, support up to time connected immoderate qualitative accusation for illustration style feedback aliases personification ratings.

This is simply a important first style that informs your landing page optimization. Focus connected listening to (or rather, reading) really group interact and personification pinch your page. 

Give yourself group clip periods (e.g. two-week sprints) to reappraisal accusation and make changes according to it. For example, if accusation shows that users locomotion a agelong clip connected your landing page but don’t convert, you could investigation pinch changing nan CTA creation and copy. 

Or, if accusation reveals that type B of your A/B testing is overmuch successful, you could find to motorboat that arsenic nan imperishable landing page.

Springboards to Success

Despite being cardinal gateways to amended your ROI and assemblage engagement, landing pages are amazingly straightforward to make. And for illustration each elements of your website and trading strategy, they petition to beryllium maintained and consistently tested to guarantee that they are applicable and thrust existent worthy for your users.

Dedicate clip and devices to your landing pages and you’ll personification a bid of springboards to higher conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do landing pages nexus to nan remainder of my website?
Yes, landing pages nexus to nan remainder of your website, but they are designed to support users focused connected a circumstantial desired action (making a purchase, signing up, downloading). This onslaught maximizes conversions.

What types of CTAs are connected landing pages?
Common CTAs connected landing pages spot ‘Sign up’, ‘Download now’, ‘Start free trial’, aliases ‘Buy now’. Alternatively, nan CTA could beryllium a style to cod users’ information, specified arsenic email addresses aliases feedback.

Why is my landing page not converting?
Unclear messaging, a anemic aliases hidden CTA, cluttered design, slow page load time, and conflict successful nan personification recreation (an unexpected landing page) tin each lend to mediocre landing page performance.

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