Mark Zuckerberg Says Meta Isn’t Worried About Deepseek

Trending 1 week ago

Alex Heath

Alex Heath is a lawman editor and writer of nan Command Line newsletter. He has been reporting connected nan tech manufacture for overmuch than a decade.

Nearly everyone seems to beryllium abruptly freaking retired astir nan emergence of DeepSeek. Meta isn’t worried, though.

That was CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s relationship to investors during his company’s fourth-quarter nett telephone connected Wednesday. During nan Q&A accusation of nan telephone pinch Wall Street analysts, Zuckerberg fielded aggregate questions astir DeepSeek’s awesome AI models and what nan implications are for Meta’s AI strategy. He said that what DeepSeek was tin to execute pinch comparatively mini money has “only strengthened our condemnation that this is nan correct constituent to beryllium focused on.”

Zuckerberg noted that “there’s a number of caller things they did we’re still digesting” and that Meta plans to instrumentality DeepSeek’s “advancements” into Llama. DeepSeek caused a monolithic sell-off successful AI stocks owed to fears that models will nary longer petition arsenic overmuch computing power. Zuckerberg tried to dispel concerns that nan billions of dollars he’s spending connected GPUs will spell to waste: “I proceed to deliberation that investing very dense successful CapEx and infra is going to beryllium a strategical advantage complete time.”

His connection is successful connection pinch nan expanding statement that computing resources will move from nan training style of AI betterment towards helping models amended “reason.” In Zuckerberg’s ain words, this “doesn’t mean you petition small compute” because you tin “apply overmuch compute astatine conclusion clip successful bid to make a higher level of intelligence and a higher worth of service.” Meta is gearing up to merchandise Llama 4 pinch multimodal and “agentic” capabilities successful nan coming months, according to Zuckerberg. He expects Meta’s AI adjunct to scope 1 cardinal users this year.

He too took a thinly cloaked jab astatine OpenAI, Anthropic, and different unprofitable startups by noting that Meta has a “strong business model” to support nan astir $60 cardinal it will locomotion connected AI this twelvemonth versus “others who don’t needfully personification business models to support it connected a sustainable basis.”

Zuckerberg too made judge to praise President Donald Trump. “We now personification a US guidance that is proud of our starring companies, prioritizes American exertion winning,” and “will return sides our values and interests abroad,” he said. Moments earlier nan nett telephone started, news collapsed that Meta is paying Trump $25 cardinal to settee a suit he brought against nan institution for banning his narration aft nan January 6th insurrection. (The immense mostly of nan money is going to net for Trump’s statesmanlike library.)

Meanwhile, Meta is simply a cash-printing machine. Revenue for nan 4th 4th of 2024 was $48.39 cardinal — a 22-percent summation from nan year-ago play — while nett profit was a staggering $20.8 cardinal (up 43-percent from a twelvemonth before). During nan nett call, CFO Susan Li said that Meta hasn’t “seen immoderate noticeable impact” from its contented argumentation changes connected advertisement spending. 3.35 cardinal group utilized astatine slightest 1 of Meta’s apps regular successful nan 4th 4th — a 5-percent summation from nan year-ago period.

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