Spirit Airlines Issues New Dress Code After Last Year's Viral Crop Top Incident

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In October 2024, 2 women went viral aft being booted from a Spirit Airlines statement for wearing harvest tops. (A 3rd woman—and her toddler—were too kicked disconnected nan level aft she removed her sweater, revealing a harvest top, successful solidarity.)

Now, nan hose is doubling down connected nan argumentation successful its caller "Contract of Carriage" released Thursday — and adding violative tattoos and different assemblage creation to nan list.

Passengers tin beryllium asked to clip disconnected nan level aliases beryllium denied boarding successful nan first place, according to nan caller contract, if nan personification is "barefoot aliases inadequately clothed (i.e., see-through clothing; not adequately covered; exposed breasts, buttocks, aliases different backstage parts) aliases whose clothing aliases article, including assemblage art, is lewd, obscene, aliases violative successful nature."

Related: 'American Consumers Are nan Long-Term Losers': Spirit Airlines CEO Shares Harrowing Outlook connected Aviation Industry

As USA Today notes, an earlier type of nan Contract of Carriage did not spot assemblage creation aliases punishment circumstantial assemblage parts.

After nan viral incident past fall, a Spirit Airlines spokesperson stated: "Our Contract of Carriage, a archive each Guests activity together to upon making a preservation pinch us, includes definite clothing standards for each Guests stepping pinch us."

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