Threads Now Lets You Share Your Custom Feeds

Trending 6 days ago

Emma Roth

Emma Roth is a news writer who covers nan streaming wars, personification tech, crypto, societal media, and overmuch more. Previously, she was a writer and editor astatine MUO.

Threads will now fto you banal nan civilization feeds you’ve created, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced connected Tuesday. This intends different users tin pin your civilization provender to their homepage, giving them entree to nan aforesaid watercourse of curated content.

Threads first rolled retired civilization feeds successful November, which you tin usage to measurement your favourite topics aliases accounts connected nan platform. This caller sharing characteristic is now rolling out, truthful it whitethorn beryllium a mini while earlier you spot it connected your Threads app.

To stock your civilization feed, you first personification to make it public:

  • Tap and clasp your provender (which should beryllium connected nan apical menu)
  • Select Edit feeds from nan drop-down menu
  • Toggle connected Public.

Once you make your provender public, different users will beryllium tin to spot it from a caller “feeds” tab connected your profile.

  • From nan aforesaid Edit feeds menu, pat View feed.
  • Select nan quote icon to position a preview of your civilization feed.
  • You tin too premier nan Share feed fastener to nonstop it arsenic a link.

The expertise to banal feeds isn’t nan only alteration coming to Threads. Last month, Meta announced that Threads is officially getting ads.

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